Daily Household Cleaners That Are Toxic to Our Health
If you look in your cleaning cabinet what will you find? You may think that is where you keep the cleaners that help to keep you healthy....

How to Deal With a Loss of a Loved One
For anyone who has experienced a loss of a loved one, I am sorry. I am sorry for your loss but I am also sorry if I personally ever said...

Easy Healthy Organic Snacks for the Kids
We all want our kids to eat healthy. The best thing you can do for your kids is start them out early with healthy eating habits. As soon...

Places Germs Love to Hide… You May Be Surprised!
We all would like to think that we have a clean house. It may look clean and feel clean on the surface but how clean is our home really?...

Why You Need To Vacation in Chattanooga
The very first time we visited Chattanooga ,Tennessee we fell in love. Since then we have made many trips and enjoy it every time....

Who wants a Goldendoodle?
If you asked me this question 6 months ago I would have said me! Ask me now and I would say no way. I wish I would have thought this...

Our Marriage. Our Kids.
Whoever thinks marriage is all bliss and two people living happily ever after… think again. Marriage is hard work. Especially when you...